Thursday 25 April 2013

Massage for Paddling

To enhance your experience as a paddler at this year’s Victoria Dragon Boat Festival, Absolute Therapy will once again be on-site providing Registered Massage Therapy sessions. Whether you have a chronic injury that needs some attention, or you just want a little extra blood flow through those tired arms – we’ll be there to help!

Massage Therapy is a great adjunct to any training program, but as a therapist who spends a lot of time with paddlers I can safely say that I know this particular group of athletes to be more aptly susceptible to a variety of overuse injuries. Dragon boat paddling requires the use of many muscle groups all working together in complete synchronicity to achieve the optimal paddling stroke. The pelvis movements power the mobility of the upper body during a stroke making a paddler vulnerable to glute and low back injuries, while the high-powered resistance movements of the torso and shoulder girdles can often result in upper body muscular imbalances and strains. When used as part of maintenance regime, Massage Therapy treatments help to maintain proper muscular tone in all of these muscle groups.

A Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) is trained to assess and treat all soft tissue anomalies, and can also help to provide their clients (YOU!) with a personalized self-care routine to help avoid any of these pesky overuse and strain injuries. Low back strains, frozen shoulder injuries, pelvic, leg and upper body muscular imbalances are just a few of the issues that I commonly help my paddling clients overcome to achieve optimal body functioning and strength. Your RMT can help guide you through the process of treating any chronic or acute injuries, and then provide you with the tools you need to help avoid the recurrence of these injuries in the future.

So what can you expect when you see an RMT for the first time? They will likely ask you a variety of health history questions, including the occurrence of any past injuries you may have incurred, and then take you through a series of range of motion and strength assessments; this helps your therapist to determine specifically which muscular groups need focus. Your massage treatment will then consist of work on the primarily affected tissues, as well as helping to relieve tension created in any compensatory areas (ie: if your low back is killing you, you’re probably starting to compensate for this with other muscle groups as well!). Following the massage, your RMT can then design a home-care routine of stretching and strengthening exercises designed specifically for you, so that you can work on maintaining the results of your treatment and avoiding the continuance of the symptoms you’re experiencing. The road to recovery can at times be long (depending on how long the injury has been around) and require both patience and hard work on your part, but your RMT is there to guide and support you through this process. Our job is to help you achieve your goals of optimal health and paddling excellence!  

Massage treatments will be available from 8:30am til 4:00pm, both Saturday, August 17 and Sunday, August 18, 2013. Feel free to come by the Massage Tent (located just inside Paddlers Village) and say hi – we are always happy to answer any health related questions or concerns you have, and if you’re interested in treatment please remember to sign up early, as spots are sure to fill up fast! Treatments are by donation (minimum $10 for a 15 minute session) with all proceeds going to the Victoria Dragon Boat Festival Society.

Happy paddling!

By Tiffany Pelletier, RMT at AbsoluteTherapy

The Goblin Empire at the 2013 Canada Dry Victoria Dragon Boat Festival

The Goblin Empire at the 2013 Canada Dry Victoria Dragon Boat Festival